Personal cloud done right!

Our vision of the self-hosted cloud. Using state of the art technologies and frameworks, Cumulus aims to be the flawless experience you always wanted. Easy to deploy, fast, secure and with a beautiful UI.

And the best? It's open-source!

Made with the best

Functionnal and reactive from the front-end to the back-end, Cumulus has been crafted with modern technologies, making the most of what they have to offer. Scalable and robust, Play Framework and Akka made possible a lightweight, stateless and secure server. React with Redux allowed us to build an awesome single page application as the main way to interact with your own personnal cloud.

It's beautiful

An app without an appealing UI is nothing. Our webapp's design has been our main concern from day one. With the help of professional & passionate designers, we crafted an unique experience, taking the best of every alternative solutions.

User experience is also one of our main concern, as we tried to deliver a seamless experience while providing all the functionnalities you expect from a personal cloud.

Easy to use

Self hosting usually means headache to install. We aim to provide the ability to install, deploy, configure and start Cumulus with little to no technical knowledge.

... and of course, if you still want to get your hands dirty you'll be able to fine-tune everything. That's the beauty of open-source projects.


Cumulus also tries to provide everything you ever wanted from self hosted cloud. Account administration, multiple storage sources, security, file sharing, embedded video player...



Using a AES-256 ciphering, your data is safe and sound in whatever storage option you choose.

Your personal key is never stored unencrypted. This means that even if an attacker steal all the data on your server, he'll never be able to read anything that you choosed to encrypt !


Altough depending on the app server and on the storage servers, we always kept in mind the rapidity and efficiency of our application.

The reactive non-blocking approach of Akka ensure that no computation power will be wasted, and that we make the most of what is available.

Free & Open-Source

All the code is open-source and licenced under the permissive MIT licence, to allow anyone to enjoy Cumulus as much as he wants, and even to change it to its own tastes.

You can also contribute to the project using the tools provided by Github.

Download (or fork) Cumulus now!

Cumulus is still under heavy active development, but have never been so close to a first release.